Monday, July 9, 2012

Eaglets Named

After hundreds of votes the process is complete. In third place and beating out four other sets of names are Alo and Eto. In second place are the names Monty and Maddy representing the local neighborhoods Montlake and Madison Park. Congratulations to Josephine who suggested the regal and majestic set of eaglet names which received the most votes. The names are:

         Beatrice and Eleanor!

The struggle this week has been to find the perfect picture to demonstrate these new names. In some shots an eaglet may appear very regal (look at the size of those wings) but in the shade.

Some shots show one eaglet in the light but the other appears to be sleeping.

Sometimes both eaglets are in the light but in an awkward pose.

Sometimes they are in the nearly perfect pose, but not in the light.

Since no single photo seems to really state the case here are a few more that at least show an interesting if not regal point. This one shows a well lit wing.

A quiet moment.

The nest beginning to feel a bit small.



Even taking out the trash.

Saying, "Good-Bye".

A new challenge will be trying to tell which eaglet is Beatrice and which is Eleanor. Feel free to offer suggestions based on inspecting the photos.

Thank you all for your comments.


Odds and Ends:

Early on Saturday morning (7/7/12) the moon was directly above the nest but too high to get them both in one photo. Still it was beautiful all on its own.

Eva having one of those shivering moments.

On Monday evening while kayaking out to see the Eva and Albert sitting on the 520 light poles three young swallows stopped nearby and one in particular struck a nice pose.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Larry. Thank you for these amazing pictures of these incredible creatures
